Vitamin D has been a hot topic for years and it is no coincidence. According to a variety of research, this vitamin, once metabolized, has a wide range of benefits for human health. But is it as beneficial as we think?
First of all, it is important to remember what vitamin D3 is. Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, and its main indirect source is sunlight. The sun's UVB rays modify a cholesterol-like molecule, 7-dehydrocholesterol, to produce Vitamin D. Thirty minutes of unprotected exposure can provide between 10,000 and 20,000 IU, which is a very good dose. The body also has a mechanism that prevents excessive metabolism. As you can imagine, vitamin D metabolism is not straightforward. It takes more than exposure to sunlight to achieve an optimal blood level of vitamin D. Of course, you can get vitamin D from food, but it is quite difficult to fill the gap. A 100-g sardine tin contains 480 IU and 100 g butter, 56 IU. So you would need quite a specific diet to get more than 1000 IU a day.
Let's talk about the properties of vitamin D3. According to various research and articles, it protects against certain types of cancer, increases insulin sensitivity, reduces symptoms and/or the progression of certain autoimmune diseases and plays a role in depression. Its best known role is in increasing the immune function to protect against infections, such as colds and flu. As for cancer, a meta-analysis has shown that there is a positive correlation between vitamin D and cancer, and that a blood level of over 75 nmol/L significantly reduces the risk of mortality in people with colorectal and breast cancer. This has also been observed in several other meta-analyses. With respect to its role in insulin sensitivity and diabetes, vitamin D3 shines again. According to a study carried out on overweight children, supplementation of 300,000 IU over a three-month period increases insulin sensitivity. Several other studies confirm that a low blood level of vitamin D is linked to poor insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes. For autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many others, a higher blood level of vitamin D is inversely proportional to the risk of developing some of these diseases, and a pharmacological dose of vitamin D3 could, in some cases, reduce symptoms and progression. With respect to its immunomodulatory role, vitamin D3, has proved its effectiveness. Adequate supplementation of vitamin D3 helps lower the frequency of flu infection. Evidence with regards to colds, however, is inconclusive.
We have reviewed many of the properties attributed to vitamin D, and most, in my opinion, are very conclusive. Of course, this vitamin alone cannot cure cancer or any other diseases. But an adequate intake of vitamin D and the maintenance of an optimal blood level of vitamin D is a very good way of optimizing your health and minimizing your chances of developing a wide range of diseases.

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